Report Description
1. Report Scope
This report is the first corporate social responsibility report released by Zhejiang Shangpin Bense Home Furnishing Co., Ltd. The information and data mainly cover the company's various corporate social responsibility practice activities from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023. Based on the continuity and comparability of the report, some data and information are traced back to 2022.
2. Preparation Principles
This report is basically prepared in accordance with the principles of stakeholder participation, sustainable development background, substance, integrity, comparability, accuracy, timeliness, clarity and reliability.
3. Content Selection
The report selects content from company profile, corporate governance, environmental protection, occupational health and safety management, employee development, and social service.
The data and information collection work of this report is carried out according to the company's existing work process.
4. Reference Description
Zhejiang Shangpin Bense Home Furnishing Co., Ltd. is referred to as "Shangpin" in the report
5. The copyright of this report belongs to Zhejiang Shangpin Bense Home Furnishing Co., Ltd.
Click To Download: "Made in Zhejiang" Certification Social Responsibility Report